The Seven Steps of a Car Accident Case

March 24, 2020

Step 1: Liability

  • The first step in any personal injury case is establishing liability. In Phase 1, we review police reports, assess property damage, and get record statements from you and witnesses (if applicable) about what happened on the day of the incident.

Step 2: Treatment

  • This is the most important step. Our number one priority is to make sure that you are feeling better and that you get all of the treatment that you need and deserve. Being involved in an accident is very serious and the most important thing is to make sure that you get better.

  • During this phase you will be going to the chiropractor and/or physical therapist to get treatment for any injuries that you have suffered. It is important to note that during this time, your case is on pause until you have completed treatment and are feeling better. This process can take anywhere from 2 weeks to a few months depending on the severity of your injuries.

Step 3: Medical Records

  • This is the phase where we pull medical records, asses loss wages, loss of use, and determine any out of pocket expenses you may have. This process lets us determine part of the costs associated with your case.

Step 4: Demand

  • This is where we make a demand on the other party for what exactly we want. Usually, during this process nothing happens for at lease the first 3 weeks. After the first 3 weeks, then negotiations begin.

Step 5: Negotiations

  • During negotiations, we are discussing with the insurance company and the other side to get you the most money possible for your injury. We understand what it is like to be involved in a personal injury and in this phase we are working our hardest to try and get you the most money possible.

  • During this process we will be in constant and/or weekly communication with you and will not accept any offer unless you have approved it. This is part of our commitment to customer service and trying to do the best we can to serve your needs.

Step 6: Settlement

  • Once we have reached an agreed amount, the case will settle and we will sign the paperwork to finalize everything relating to your case. Once everything is finalized, we will let you know and you can come pick up your check.

Step 7: Trial (If Necessary)

  • In some cases, we are unable to reach an appropriate settlement agreement with the other party and in such a situation we will file a lawsuit and take your case to trial. We will inform you if we believe that a trial is necessary in your case and we will explain to you all the steps.